The squirrel library is built using the Qt framework and gdcm. Both are available as open-source, and make development of the squirrel library much more efficient.
The Qt and gdcm libraries (or DLLs on Windows) will need to be redistributed along with any programs that use the squirrel library.
Including squirrel
The squirrel library can be included at the top of your program. Make sure the path to the squirrel library is in the INCLUDE path for your compiler.
Create an object and read an existing squirrel package
squirrel *sqrl =newsquirrel();/* read the squirrel package and check for success */if (sqrl->Read("/home/")) cout <<"Successfuly read squirrel package. Log: "<< m << endl;else cout <<"Error reading squirrel package. Log: "<< m << endl;/* print the entire package */sqrl->Print();/* access individual package meta-data */cout <<sqrl->name;
Subject data
All imaging data is stored in a Subject->Study(session)->Series hierarchy. Subjects are stored in the root of the squirrel object.
/* iterate by list to access copies of the subjects (read only) */foreach (squirrelSubject subj,sqrl->subjectList) { cout <<subj.ID << endl;}/* iterate by index to change the original subject (read/write) */for (int i=0; i <sqrl->subjectList.size(); i++) {sqrl->subjectList[i].ID = i;}/* get a list of subjects (copy) */QList<squirrelSubject> subjects;if (sqrl->GetSubjectList(subjects)) cout <<"Retrieved "<<subjects.size() <<" subjects"<< endl;
Experiments and Pipelines
Access to these objects is similar to accessing subjects
/* iterate by list to access copies of the objects(read only) */foreach (squirrelExperiment exp,sqrl->experimentList) { cout <<exp.experimentName << endl;}foreach (squirrelPipeline pipe,sqrl->pipelineList) { cout <<pipe.pipelineName << endl;}/* iterate by index to change the original object (read/write) */for (int i=0; i <sqrl->experimentList.size(); i++) {sqrl->experimentList[i].numFiles =0;}for (int i=0; i <sqrl->pipelineList.size(); i++) {sqrl->pipelineList[i].numFiles =0;}
Create a new squirrel package and add a subject
squirrel *sqrl =newsquirrel();/* set the package details */sqrl->name ="LotsOfData";sqrl->description ="My First squirrel package;sqrl->datetime = QDateTime()::currentDateTime();sqrl->subjectDirFormat = "orig";sqrl->studyDirFormat = "orig";sqrl->seriesDirFormat = "orig;sqrl->dataFormat ="nifti";/* create a subject */squirrelSubject sqrlSubject;sqrlSubject.ID ="123456";sqrlSubject.alternateIDs =QString("Alt1, 023043").split(",");sqrlSubject.GUID ="NDAR12345678";sqrlSubject.dateOfBirth.fromString("2000-01-01","yyyy-MM-dd"); ="O";sqrlSubject.gender ="O";sqrlSubject.ethnicity1 =subjectInfo->GetValue("ethnicity1");sqrlSubject.ethnicity2 =subjectInfo->GetValue("ethnicity2");/* add the subject. This subject has only demographics, there are no studies or */sqrl->addSubject(sqrlSubject);
Add a study to existing subject
/* see if we can find a subject by ID */int subjIndex =sqrl->GetSubjectIndex("123456");if (subjIndex >=0) { /* build the study object */ squirrelStudy sqrlStudy;sqrlStudy.number =1;sqrlStudy.dateTime.fromString("2023-06-19 15:34:56","yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");sqrlStudy.ageAtStudy =34.5;sqrlStudy.height =1.5; // meterssqrlStudy.weight =75.9; // kgsqrlStudy.modality ="MR";sqrlStudy.description ="MJ and driving";sqrlStudy.studyUID ="";sqrlStudy.visitType ="FirstVisit";sqrlStudy.dayNumber =1;sqrlStudy.timePoint =1; ="Siemens 3T Prisma; sqrl->subjectList[subjIndex].addStudy(sqrlStudy);}else { cout << "Unable to find subject by ID [123456]" << endl;}
Write package
QString outdir ="/home/squirrel/thedata" /* output directory of the squirrel package */QString zippath; /* the full filepath of the written zip file */sqrl->write(outdir, zippath);++