Analysis Builder
Tutorial on how to create reports using Analysis Builder
Reports in Analysis Builder
Analysis builder is a report generating tool in NiDB. In Analysis builder, a report can be build using variables extracted from various types of imaging data, pipelines and biological or cognitive measures. This tool works different than the search tool where you can search stored data (Imaging or Other) and download it. In this tool you can search the variables those are generated and stored or imported in the NiDB (For example: You can query the variables generated from a task using MRI / EEG data OR variables imported from Redcap). Analysis builder can be invoked from a project's main page by selecting the option Analysis Builder on the right from Tools section. Following is the main interface of the Analysis Builder
The interface for Analysis Builder is self explanatory. The main sections consists of selecting a project from the dropdown list, selecting the desired variables, drugs / dose information, choosing the various report parameters like grouping, value replacing a blank or missing entry, and finally the output format of the report.
In the next section the steps to create two reports are listed showing how various options can be employed to create a desired report.
Building Reports
Analysis builder is designed to create reports based on variables that can be selected from different types of measures, and modalities shown in the Analysis Builder interface screen above. This includes modalities like MR, EEG, cognitive and biological measurements.
Simple Report
Following are the steps to create a simple report where data is not grouped and there is no drug / dose variable is used. The following figure shows the selection of variables and settings to generate this report.
Steps - Simple Report
To generate a report, select a project from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.
Select the variables for any one or combination of modalities and measures. We chose four cognitive variables those are imported from Redcap.
Choose if you want to group data on the base of date, or measure. We are not selecting this option for the simple report.
The output of a report can be control by various option like:
Select the output format of the report, showing it on the screen or saving it as csv file.
Hit the Update Summary button to generate the final report as shown on the right section of the screen below.
Repeated Measures Report
This is a report that involve the variables which are repetitive in nature. Also we want the variables to display with respect to the drug administered time. Analysis Builder will automatically create variables that holds the time since dose information.
For this type of report, usually time repeated measure are reported, but other measures may be added if desired.
Steps - Repeated Measure Report
Select a project from the dropdown list of projects on the top of Analysis Builder interface.
Choose the variables to display in this report. As mentioned above this is a repetitive measures report, so the variables that are repetitive in nature; collected multiple times in a day and on multiple days are selected. These include measure from MRI and biological data. Also these variables are collected before or after administration of drug.
To include the drug / dose information on this report, select the drug related variable as shown in the above figure in green rectangle. Different drug dose was administrated on three different days, and all three days were selected.
The time since dose variables shall be calculated and displayed if the option Include Time Since Dose is selected as shown above. All three dose day variables are also selected. The time will be displayed in minutes as per above selection.
To group the data based on drug days, check the Group by Event Date checkbox from Grouping Option.
After choosing the output parameters, hit the Update Summary button that generates a report as shown in the figure below.
There are many reports that can be generated using Analysis Builder based on the data stored in a project. More exploration on the Analysis Builder with different options is recommended.
Last updated